Language isolate in Siberia.
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1Strawberries and blueberries are on the supermar-ket shelves 52 weeks a year.
2I just hope those spex for reprogramming neurostat hit the mar- ket soon.
3She has not tried ket, so it must be that.
4That's obviously ket quantum notation.
5That competition, combined with the never-ending array of new rules, forces ma r ket participants to constantly improve their systems.
6The Phone Company 'screws up', the stock market 'goes to hell in a handbas- ket' and VCR's 'work for s-t'
7The note of social equality is struck by Ket throughout the rising.
8Ket, I believe it's going to be dangerous or something, after all.
9Relations between Ket and the Norwich authorities soon became strained to breaking point.
10The doctor was referring to a recent statement from health minister Major Ket Sein.
11Het Masteen was there, as was his superior, Ket Rosteen.
12The export ban has prevented Netscape from mar- keting Internet software with higher encryption levels.
13In Norfolk that same year the rising under Ket was social, and unconcerned with religion.
14But though the method was revolution and the goal social democracy, Ket was no anarchist.
15Ket was equally averse from civil war between the citizens of Norwich and the peasants.
16Among the bushes, close to the women, Ket hid himself, and lay still but watchful.